
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jenjarom - Night Light Scenery

I went with my parents and some hiking mates. Everyone was seperately walking on their own and of course, I was with my parents. It was a little bit lacking of something because my brother and sister were not around this year. The ending was quite bad as we didn't have much time to enjoy the performance and the night lighting scene. I knew my mother wish to see it a lot, it makes me thinking of having a GPS. Then, they could have more time to enjoy the performance. I saw my father smiling from heart today. I think that was the best smiling face of the day. He seldom smile indeed.

It's once a year holiday for everyone at home. It is best to spend time together and have fun. I hope 3 of us can bring them to a better place next year. ;D

For more Photos.

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