
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

This Chinese New Year is a lot quiet than last year, many of my uncles don't go back for reunion dinner anymore. Mommy has cooked a lot of New Year dishes but there was only 6 of us eating. Grandpa and grandma are getting older, they don't have appetite to eat with us. Grandpa stays in his room all the time. Grandma is very quiet and always sit alone at the living room.

I wonder how would this festive season be after a few years? I felt happy though, my sister asked me whether I am interested to go for event shooting for her society in UM on our way back home from grandpa's house. My mother happily asked me to go for it and learn some skills from it. It is an encouragement for me. ;D

I don't have any outstanding achievement last year but will be bearing the consequences of bad decision made this year. There is one thing I have learnt last year, I live the moment and appreciate my family supportive action. There is another friend who support me on this as well. Touching. ;')

I must ganbatte!

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