
Monday, March 8, 2010

Just Married!

A friend got married this year, 31st january 2010. It was the first time experience wedding photography after so much of hardwork to strive for improvement. There is still a lot of space to get quality shots though. Espcially, handling the flash but what matter most is the great moment.

It's the first experience to go through the whole wedding process. Smiling faces of everyone with happiness. It's kinda good experience. It makes me filled with happines whole day too. Happiness can be said as a disease. It can spread around to the people surrounding you. I wish them Happy always as husband and wife.

It's a blue Monday and the first thing I knew when I sat on my office chair was my colleague is getting married this month soon. We were born in the same year. I used to dream to get married at 25 but now I don't think so. It isn't easy to find someone who can share life with and respect each other views and opinion even there are differences. It's a happiness we shall appreciate if we could find one someday or you're having it now.

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