
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cute Mother

Mommy used to be very fierce. I remember 3 of us used to cry and hug each other when she got angry. It was scary indeed. As we grow older, she become more considering and able to express her care to us. I am not sure whether 3 of us hardly observe her care during young time. We could only remember Mommy always got angry easily when we were young or we were too naughty? Women, tend to be emotional sometime. ehe!

I uploaded the above photo for my "A Photo A Day" collection. I have got some feedbacks from friends. It is better to crop tighter as the subject is the fallen flower. I think for quite long for the comment by looking at the photo. The bokeh in "white" was quite distracting. It looks better like this.
My mood is a bit swinging today but somehow I must remind myself to live the moment. What important most is NOW! I just feel not respected and forgotten. Why couldn't you keep me in mind for what you have told me?

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