
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bad Little Boy!

I have been choosing photos for this project and felt dillema. Afterall, this is the one I like most of the day. The bad little boy at home yet an innocent baby boy. He will pose for photoshooting when you tell him:"Hey, do you wanna be pretty little boy?" He is still an impatience boy! He got mad and ran here and there after a few shots.

There is reason I chose this photo, it's because a movie I watched yesterday. A meaningful one indeed. Human tend to be happier in a small character they undertake. They may not have strong successful background respected by a lot of people but they live happily with positive attititude. Perhaps, I shall say We are still healthy and it's great! We shall feel blessed in every situation we are in, we are still strong and healthy."We are still alive, it's great!". What a great movie though!

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