Two women, they used to be schoolmates and good friends. One was happy-go-lucky and the other one always got angry easily over small matter. Things have changed after they got married to Brothers of Lee. The bad temper woman has transformed herself to be an understanding, positive thinking and happy-go-lucky wife of the elder brother of Lee. However, The happy go lucky woman become a selfish, unhappy and stingy wife of the younger brother of Lee. The changes between these two women, perhaps, it's the typical daily story of human.
The elder brother is a quiet and shy man who cares and loves his wife very much. He will observe his wife while they were in shopping mall. "U like this handbag a lot ya? Do you want it? I go and make payment." The husband said. The wife had a long thought and reject for the purchase of handbag. It's not worth for the money, she could have used the money to travel. What matter most is not the expensive handbag the husband willing to buy for his wife but he knows his wife likes it and asked her. I bet she must feel sweet and filled with happiness just because he knew she likes it and wouldn't just walk away. There aren't many men who willing to go shopping with wife. There aren't many men who will observe his wife like this. The feeling of happiness from his care and concern has already exceeded the desire of wanting the handbag.
The younger brother is a wild man who likes freedom. His wife chased after him and got pregnant later on. She forced him to marry her and now, she is always left at home looking after her naughty daugther alone without much care from her husband. Soon, she locks herself up at home with her daughter and become a quiet, selfish and shallow hearted woman. I am not sure how would she be one day. She chose to marry the man she loves most but she is not happy at all.
Sometimes, the choice we make today, we shall really think twice whether we can be able to bear the consequences for life. A confused mind told me, "Things may change over time from the bad to the good or vice versa". Perhaps, this is life. Yes, we shall accept it with a positive attitude but sometimes reality is too cruel to be accepted. May all women find their caring loves one.