I used to read some article mentioning about lens flare. The author will usually mention in the article, flare will spoil the overall presentation in a photo. I guess it is based on personal preference whether you would stand still on your point of view. It's a matter whether you like or hate it in a photo. Sometimes a little flare could be beautiful, a little imperfection found in perfection, shall I say?
I see a huge shining star in the afternoon when sky is still bright. It makes me think of an article I read in a photography magazine a few months ago. The author's thinking was so much amazed me. He says the bright sky hide the beautiful stars from our vision. It hides thing we want to see! If light is as good as we thought, why would it hide something behind from us? Is darkness that bad? It shows us the hidden shining stars though.
Lights do create miracle sometimes, I see star in the bright sky through my lens? Darkness does provide a clearer picture of what's hidden in the bright from our vision. Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't see things so clearly. It's better not knowing than knowing it! I still love light. :)