
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I am back

I am having schizophrenia and secondary depression. Nothing is as bad as this but comparing to other who has cancer. I think i am lucky enough. I plan to start back my photography blog with new set of lense. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


我想霉运不会在跟随我们家了吧!师傅来了我们家把神位都弄好了还给了些意见如何摆设屋内的家私。 师傅,竟然把我们的预约忘了,让我紧张了起来因为还要上班呢!印象的确不好呀!有点怀疑他是否真的会来。。我们等了四十五分钟。。。他来了。。。他到了我们家,看见他那真诚的眼神还有很乐意帮我们家的热诚。让我有点感动也很惭愧。。他并没有要求我们给他多少,只说给他一个红包意思意思就好了。他说这是一种缘分,送了一个很漂亮的送子观音给我们。。。

你会相信预言吗?最近走霉运的我有点superstitious. 接二连三的发生这样的事情,其实在还没发生以前内心有一把声音告诉自己要小心,会撞车。。。 结果,还是发生了。。 相机被抢前一晚,心里有一把声音告诉自己要小心,不要去拍wedding event了。。 相机会被抢。 结果,小心翼翼的还是被抢了!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Thanksgiving, perhaps it is something I have never learnt till today. It seems I have done something wrong today but still need to walk further up, right! It wouldn't happen again, I promise to myself!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

With Love Gary & Tracy

Yume really loves the feeling developing this series of photos despite it has pending for quite some time. It makes me falling in love and can really feel their happiness. The expression of love and how Gary made his girl friend smile. He is really a funny cute guy. I believe he has found his true love.

They made me feel like falling in love again! A simple one, Yume hope for!

For more Photo, Please visit 夢の撮影記.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Animals behind the Cage

If there is a key to lock up the memory in a hidden space in my brain and another kay to open up my heart door, perhaps, that's good enough. Drowning by old memories without a space for breathing. It's just like a lonely animal behind the cage  in front of the human crowd. They can be filled with happiness with foods and shelter ready without any worry of foods resources or becoming foods of predator  ust like me having loving lunch box prepared by mommy everyday. and warm shelter with family. Perhaps, the only difference is they were locked up by human while I lock myself up and couldn't be able to find a key to open it up again. 

Would you experience this whenever you're in a place that filling up old memory you have in your mind? I am not sure where to spell it outloud but this is a good channel. I ll be a lot better after this blog. The same encouragement word for myself again! Ganbatte, Audrey-san! ;D 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Canon PhotoMarathon Experience

Audrey was joining this marathon event organized by canon in Penang on 16 Oct 2010. It was excited at the first place till couldnt sleep well on friday night as this is the 1st experience joining competition in  my  entire life.  Audrey was actually kinda panic to get to know the first theme and out of idea. In fact, it was the same for the next two themes. Scratching my head all the way! Eventually, I submitted 3 snapshots for the competition. There were indeed just snapshots! Let's the video speak out!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Audrey went to watch chinese opera with family. Both of me and my sister have never seen this before. It's our first family outing after shifting house. I am glad to get a chance to have a nice chat with the performer behind the stage. She told me some of the do and don't about the opera group. I shared it with my parents. My daddy said she is cheating small kid! Audrey is definitely not a small kid. 

Some are the boxes that keep the performance attires are not allowed to sit on or even kicked. I am not sure about the reason. Do you really believe it if kid playing their drum will get stomachache? My dad said it was just some white lies to ask me not playing..... What do you think?